Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nowhere near perfect

I'm broken, there's no doubt about that. Saying anything different would be a direct lie. I'm not the model citizen, impeccably smarter than others, or the person that my parents dreamed I would be. I'm just another soul, wandering through this world hoping to live out what I'm meant to. I disappoint people, I don't live up to the expectations of they hold, and I don't sit around pretending to be something I'm not capable of being. I'm a nice guy, I don't use people, I don't trick them or intentionally hurt anyone.
I look to surround myself with good, open minded stable people. The kind that won't judge me for things that aren't their business, for things that I won't change about myself.

I'm me, I'm decent and I'm a human being. I will never compromise myself for the sake of others nor do I have anything to prove. I look for the small things in life. The conversation, holding hands, flirting, laughing with my best friends, kissing...just kissing. The moments that I stop worrying, for four damn seconds, and I forget that this world is the uphill battle that's not getting any more flat.

I'm not perfect. I'm not anywhere close to it; nor do I pretend to be. All I've ever hoped for was to be left to my own life. To be and do what comes my way and deal with it as I choose.

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