Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pieces of the Puzzle

Life isn't a platter, lined in sliver and gold, it's not a spoon dipped in diamonds, and it's not full of rainbows and unicorns. Life is hard, it's difficult and it's crazy. It's like a puzzle. You have 1500 pieces that look like a colorful box just threw up. They don't make sense and you begin to wonder what you've gotten yourself into. You start with the outer edges, the base, the beginning. Then you add a bit here and there. The pieces look overwhelming, new and different. Then they fall into place, you get stuck and frustrated, even angry. Then you start getting on a roll and a lucky streak. You find beauty, entertainment, and surprises. You dedicate yourself to a masterpiece. You become enthralled by the process no matter how mundane and ridiculous. The sweat, blinding eye pain and curse words start to fade and you see what you're really making. Then the puzzle has that last piece, the shining moment of satisfaction and gratification. The puzzle is complete. Then you have to glue it together, it falls apart and you put it together again to have it framed and hung on the wall.
I'm a long way away from hanging my life on the wall and looking back, i'm in the messy middle. The trashy, tedious, rough, annoying process of realizing the path ahead, the disappointment and frustration, the obstacles, and everything standing in my way. But you find those few pieces to reveal the beauty. I just found one, in a friend, who has a little more faith in me than I have for myself. I need to be reminded sometimes that the puzzle isn't going to be finished before I'm ready to see the bigger picture, and I should enjoy the ride. Thanks Tyler, for having a little faith in me. I wish you all the success you deserve in your future. Dream big, because if you shoot for the moon you'll land in the stars.

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