Friday, March 25, 2011


True faith isn't born in a fad, or a game. It's instilled in the bond one creates between them and their beliefs. I'm not your average Christian. I don't believe in a Bible written by man to be the word of God. I'd rather pray to a spaghetti monster than look into such a heinous weapon. There are some great parts in the bible that I could see being used for the good of His people. There are also parts that I couldn't see my God saying or acting upon. Not just the verses on homosexuality, there are others that make no sense and I'm not afraid of my God. I love Him. My love of Jesus and the Holy Father transcends the "fake trends" that some decide to participate in.
Treat others with respect, compassion and love.
Not condemnation, hate and idolatry.

My greatest friends understand the true point of faith in Christianity. Ruth and Leslie, I love you so much. You're the greatest people in the world. You know what's right and true. What's in your heart. Not what a book, or a crazy man yelling behind a podium told you. My only faith left in humanity are people like you. I love you.

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