Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Life comes at you in waves, flooding emotions, feelings, struggles, hardship and any other overwhelming experience try and drown you. I've always known I would be fine as long as I had my head above water, no matter the current, no matter the pain. I'll be fine if my head is above water. I remember once in high school, I overheard my mom telling someone we were struggling to keep up, to stay afloat. It was true. Things changed when my mom and sister moved to Texas, I still had Dillon and I just needed to graduate but staying in Wyoming was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I stayed with my grandparents while my family moved 1100 miles away from me. I had to focus on school, it was the one thing that would drive me to the success of my future. I'm still driving toward that achievement with a few bumps on the way. But there's something I've always known, no matter how far away I was, I would always do what's best for me, and my family. They may not always look like the right decisions at first, but they end up paying off in the long run. These decisions are tough, life changing. But so far in my life, all I've learned is that change, is usually for the best. So stop resisting, embrace the excitement and give it a shot. The only thing you have to lose is what you no longer have.

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