Monday, January 31, 2011

There's Nothing Truly Perfect

I've been thinking too much again, it always ends in funny places or ridiculous thoughts. It's usually distracting, but today I wasn't thinking about what I usually do. I thought about where I stand in this world. Who I am and why I need to be true to myself. I usually know a lot about myself. There's always more to learn but the way I see it if you have a grasp on yourself you will always know if anything changes. But if you're not true then you'll lose parts of yourself, and sometime you never get them back. I never plan to lose any good part of me, the bad can be shed but the good is worth keeping. Sometimes I think my good side messes up my bad, it's a mix of the most confusing beliefs and characteristics I wonder if it scares people away. Maybe it intimidates people... I don't really think I'll ever know...
I dream of the day I don't have to worry about the things I do today, even if I miss experiencing those things. There's a day that will come and I'll have a piece of what I want. The perfect creation of imperfection that fits me perfectly. I sit here writing hoping that one day I won't need to write... but that won't ever happen. There's always something to write about, something to put into the written or typed word. That day won't come. The stars never perfectly align. The fates never roll the same hand. Nothing happens the same way twice, nor does it happen like it's supposed to.
There's nothing truly perfect, but perfection is found in flaws.

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