Thursday, April 28, 2011

Generation: Possible

Is there a chance in Hell? Well buckle up, bring sun block and some ice water because this may be a long trip. Today, after Political Sociology, Leslie and I had a great philosophical discussion. We started to talk about relationships, life, stress, and politics then we ended talking about our generation. The unnamed, undirected, desensitized, overly sensitive, underestimated generation that is well, us. Kids, people, and “adults” in our age range have been debated over having too low of pants, showing too much skin, getting tattoos and piercings, and generally taking for granted the things we have and what we’re given. Most importantly, we take for granted our education. Not all of us do, some members of this generation are proactive, dedicated, mature, and ready to take on the future.

Dare I say it; I learned something today in Poli. Soc. and that is there is almost no hope for the direction America is heading toward, with only 20-25% of the population voting, lower education standards, higher dropout rates, and a crashing economy the United States is in for a journey. Leslie and I discovered we have a little more faith in this generation than we had anticipated. Our generation doesn’t “care” about politics and as much as I would agree that statement isn’t entirely true. We do care; we just don’t want to tolerate the bipartisan bull shit excuses thrown out by manipulative, lying, heinous politicians that see “us” as clients to gain power from. The government used to work for its people, as representatives it was their PAID DUTY to respect the desires and wishes of the collective few whom speak the loudest in a crowd. Not the majority or even those who need to be heard. The loudest person gets their way. That works for my grandparents arguments, but it doesn’t solve anything, it complicates their marriage and it doesn’t offer the happiness that comes achieving what’s right. People my grandparents, and parent’s age are currently in or coming into politics. Look at what they’ve accomplished: mortgage crisis, financial crisis, failing a global economy, deceit, lies, scandals, hypocrisy, failed campaign promises and straight out disappointment to the people of this nation. No one talks about the true public politics anymore because they don’t exist. The Public Sphere (for those who don’t know it’s the idea that there’s a bubble around society that separates it from the state) doesn’t exist. It’s become tainted and destroyed by political and elitist agendas of greed and power. Now I digress from the main point of our generation, we have become apolitical party non-conformists. A lot of my peers don’t like being involved because they can’t pick a side anymore. Republicans and Democrats no longer have real issues to fight over and we all don’t care about what they have to say. We want things accomplished but not at the means of picking a party that doesn’t care about what you think, in a system that doesn’t think you belong, in a nation that is out to drain you of all you have. Fiscal conservatives are becoming socially liberal, social issues don’t bother our generation and we have a “live and let live” attitude about us that makes us get along. Most people my age don’t worry about conforming to society, listening to what the “man” has to say, or contributing to the manipulation factor at all. Once our generation comes into power we have the potential to bring back the public sphere, bounce this nation back to its feet, and make one of the greatest countries history has ever seen. That’s if there are enough people that care to make a difference in this world.

Our generation is resilient, strong, compassionate, and bright (when we need to be). We just need the chance to step up and take over the mess our predecessors have created. With open minds and fresh ideas our nation can be saved. All it takes is a push in the right direction, on the right people, and we’ll be home free. We are can bring back America to those who care enough to see through the shit, called modern day politics and government. So “kids” it’s our turn, educate yourselves, don’t listen to the mass media and believe in what’s right. Maybe then we can bring back some dignity before we’re left with an anarchist, chaotic, obliterated nation that could have been the greatest nation history had seen

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