Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Path Less Traveled

FUN FACT! I'm coming back with a vengeance! By vengeance I mean I'm a happy person. :) although there are always ups and downs I'm extremely happy. I like to think I'm finding me again. I've cut ties with those I should have long ago and I'm sticking to the good friends I have now. I know what kind of people I need in my life. Also, this new information comes with some responsibility. No not like Spiderman's great power/responsibility bull shit... I've taken this trip to Texas to clear my head and it did just that. I've re-connected with my family and I've gained some new knowledge about myself. With that, I know what I have to do, I have to dedicate my life to school. That's why I was so good at it before. I spent all the time could focusing on that goal. School, graduating, good grades, and everything. School needs to become my #1 priority and stay my priority. Which I was always happiest when I was overly involved. :) yes I'm a SUPPA NERD! haha and I'm damn proud of it. I have a lot to look forward to and a lot to accomplish in the next year and a half and I have all the power to do it. It's in my blood after all, instilled in my soul to drive me to the path I'm meant to create. I've found a peace, and an inner ground, to help me. I know that I can once again stand my ground and be myself. Completely convicted in all I know and all I can know in the future. My heart, and God as my witness, I'm going to get to where I need to. No exceptions or pit stops this time. I need this and it's all I've got, my final shot. So here's my journey... beginning a long, fun, hard next few years.

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