Thursday, December 29, 2011
Every time I think I'm in the clear someone pulls me back in. I'm no stranger to pain, but I'm new to anger, hatred, and malice. These are the situations that define us
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Look into my crystal ball...
I want to be in love, if I've already met him... I wonder who it is. :)

"I don't want to grow up" "I'm just a kid"
I've heard it all the time. In many ways, and many forms. I didn't have that option. I was forced to grow up. I was told things as a kid that kids shouldn't have to hear. I dealt with things no kid should deal with and I grew up. I grew up fast. My siblings didn't have to, they actually regressed into childhood. I'm 20, I look almost 22, and I'm told I act 30. I'm kind of a mess when it comes to who I am. I've had a long road that no one really understands, not many probably ever will. I have a virus in my eyes that makes walking outside painful, I have constant fatigue, symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, and problems with unmet expectations. I've been through a lot and I'm still here. I know what it takes to get through some of life's hard trials. I just thought that's what everyone does and that's what everyone understands... turns out that it's not. People don't get it, they want me to sit and listen to their problems with attention and then they don't give a damn about what's going on with me. A lot goes on with me, my mind is constantly trying to rationalize things. I want to just yell at people. I yelled at my sister Sunday, I've never really felt good about getting aggressive. I stood up for my friends, for diversity, and for me. I loved it. I just don't understand the shit that comes out of her mouth. The attitude she has or the way she uses people. The laziness, the bitchiness, all of it. We weren't raised like that, and people don't deserve that treatment. I'm mad at her, my Dad, and disappointed in them.
I just want to go home, or whatever it is that makes me happier. I don't feel like i belong here or that this is my world. Texas isn't for me at all. My family is falling apart. Now I've just got me. I do have friends but it's not the same. I've gotten me here so I'll get myself elsewhere. :) Happy Holidays
Monday, December 12, 2011
Part 1
Friday, December 9, 2011
Mixing feelings
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Word Vomit
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The clock strikes.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Dusting things off
Sunday, November 13, 2011
It's cute you write like a 13yr old girl but...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Ze Bitch
Friday, October 28, 2011
Oh the places
Friday, October 21, 2011
Not black and white
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Lions and Snooki and Sluts OH MY!!!

It's that time of year again my pretties! My all time favorite celebration that has now been highjacked by the GUD DANG CANDY COMPANIES!!!!!!!!!!!! OR!!!!! Formerly known as "All Hallows Eve" Halloween is BACK!!! and I loves it! But really... let's get down to candy corn and fish nets. The holiday representing the day to celebrate and remember the dead has turned into let-us-out-slut-one-another-day. Which I am guilty of taking part in, but as most of you should know I believe in the supernatural. Halloween is a time to welcome the convergence on energy, celebrate the harvest, and welcome the dead back to Earth for a night of happiness. Granted it's also scary, eerie and some people need reality checks on acceptable costumes but hey, I'm just throwing it out there. There's so much more to this day that people take for granted and it fascinates me that people use this "american based holiday" to satisfy irrelevant needs. (once again I'm guilty of a few of these stereotypes) but I never forget what Halloween is and what it means to me. I've always been the "odd kid out" in my family (no gay jokes intended). I love the Halloween/scary movies, haunted houses, decorations, pumpkins and all... Every year I get so jazzed I could pee!!!! They key to my heart? A haunted house, followed by a scary movie and cuddling. END OF STORY... I'm not one for trick or treating because my mom never let me as a kid so I get no satisfaction from asking strangers for candy (weird I know) so I continue to throw badass parties or go to badass parties. The energy I get on Halloween is irreplaceable to all other holidays. This is just another FASCINATING look into the mind of ME. MUhahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahhhahaahahahah
Seasons of Psycho-babble

Lately I have not been able to write and finish my own thoughts. The overwhelming school year and life have put my thought process in a flux of entropy. So, maybe tonight I can finish a damn thought. Today was not my best day; we'll start here. Because I'm tired, grumpy, was hungover and inspired by laziness I did not go to class, or to my group meeting. I DID turn in all necessary work and inform the necessary people of my absence (in all fairness). I then preceded to drop Psychology from my majors and focus mainly on Communication. Yay for communicating! (side tangent: I just put my glasses on and enhanced my reading capabilities by 1000%) I had an amazing lunch with Christina Currie and went back to my apartment to pray my headache away. I then watched Ferngully whilst trying to force myself to study or sleep which both did not see the light of victory. I began to clean and do dishes which resulted in minimal success, which I could be mildly proud of. Following such a fun filled activity, I went to LHS' High School football shame, I mean game, with Emily Simpson. Where my butt froze and went numb, but I was able to see Natalie perform at half-time and she was amazing! All in all it sounds like a decent day right? Here's the flip side to this tarnished coin:
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Forget me not
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Deadly Sins
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Pretty Little Larai-liars
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Proverbial Needle
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sorting gays and Freshmen Days
So I’m guilty, I study people. I sit in the Union or in coffee shops, planes, airports, stores, gas stations, streets, malls, and TV and I watch people. It fascinates me! But there’s nothing like a UW College campus to get me “peeply senses” tingling. And to the Freshman Class of 2011 I congratulate you. You have not only stooped to unimaginable senses of fashion but have also confused my gaydar with your pretty faces and affinity for Hollister Brand clothing. Men I do have to give you props for your courage in wearing pink, but I now have to try 3 times as hard to sort out the gays from the pretty straight boys. Girls, every year you seem to shock me with your lack of good fashion. Everyone is entitled to their style but uggs and booty shorts in August, or anytime for that matter, are INSANELY TACKY AND SHOULD NOT BE DONE MORE THAN ONCE! If ever. The fake blondes and bad tans, guys with too baggy clothes and not enough belts, girls with bad make up, mini-skirts, form fitting leggings, unflattering tube tops… I’m not trying to be rude or judgmental but this is college, if you’re only here to look pretty and snazzy and talk in class, text about boys/girls, and still stay in your high school cliques then you are in the wrong place. College is intimidating to some, and yes humans like familiarity and stay in the safe spots but you need to branch out and find yourselves! This is your time to mess up, try new styles, learn something, grow, make your best friends and live life! If your greatest problem is, which I’ve overheard, is that you’re waiting for the “supa fine boi in Bio to text back” when you’re in Psych class you are NOT paying attention nor getting the most out of this experience. I was a Freshmen once and I’ve had my college phases but I was never a fake, I never gave into the scenes and cliques that everyone this year are so wrapped into, and I stay true to myself. There are tricks to college, the more time you spend on campus the more you’ll know. I am very overly involved and I know a few tricks and can’t wait to learn more. In that regards if you think you can tell me you’re too stressed after your naps and large meals, parties and concerts then you and I are seeing college on 2 very different levels. My idea of tired and your laziness are nowhere near on the same page. I get that it’s a transition and blah, blah, blah but this is no place to sit and waste time whining. I learned fast because in college it’s do or die. Some of you may be learning that faster than you think. I may sound mean and bitter, maybe it’s because I’m a sarcastic asshole sometimes but I do not pretend to be a know-it-all. I just know my experiences, the experiences of others and anecdotal proof of previous students. Most of us are here for you if you need help. I do enjoy helping others and most of us won’t laugh at your questions and are genuinely going to point you in the right direction. In that regard upperclassmen are some of your greatest resources. Just know that YOU are not in charge, YOU have not worked through what we have and if YOU choose disrespect over courteously you’ll find out quickly that this is a small campus and some will vote you off the island. Good luck and God speed newbies. I’ll be seeing you around campus.
Writing from the Hearth
I’m sitting here at 3:44am and wondering what to write about, not that many people will read this… I’m guessing two people one of which being Kelsey. I could talk about school, or work, I could complain or rant, maybe even mock a few people but I’m not really in the mood for any of that. Maybe even talking about life would be a “not-so-great” topic for me right now. Not that things are bad but I feel it unnecessary at the moment. I do need to write something to keep these active readers on the edge of their seats. I just like writing, free expression and thought put into physical words; it makes me feel open and free. Like therapy but cheaper and I don’t get funny questions or asked “what does this Ink Blot say to you?” My mom started my writing obsession when I was in Kindergarten. She told my siblings and I we would be participating in young authors and from then on the little writer in me drug my heels in and refused to write. Once in middle school, I was called some lovely names, made fun of and picked on. I decided I needed to talk to someone but my heart and my head said Don’t, don’t say anything to anyone, keep your head down and one day you’ll make it out. So I kept a journal, of my personal thoughts and hurt feelings; a teenage plethora of rants and unfair treatment. This was the only thing I felt safe telling my secrets to, a flimsy $2 book from Wal-Mart that knew me better than anyone. I was so afraid to talk to the world, who could I trust? Noone. It’s been a journey from then on, to the point I’m at now before you. From books, to journals, to journalism, activism, college, blogging, to the future I am a writer. I may not be a professional but I love writing, I could possibly become a great writer and train myself for the better. Who knows? Sure blogs are mocked and ridiculed but I love mine, and my 13 followers, because no person needs to read this, but it’s out in the open for people to read. People could learn a lot about my “soft side” by reading this. Not many people get this close to knowing me.
Monday, August 15, 2011
gay..all the way
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Path Less Traveled
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Closer that you think
Friday, August 5, 2011
Pathway to Friendship
Sure I talk about some bad ones and such, I'm not the least dramatic person by any means, but I do like to remember the good and not the bad. It makes my thoughts clearer, my heart warmer, and my soul cleaner. I feel dirty holding on to grudges, so I don't hold them. I do remember why people and I no longer get along but I don't hold it against them, just keep things in perspective. For now, I'm in a transition. But I'm working things out and understanding more. So I'm on my way, and I'm looking forward to keeping good people in my life, and keeping the door open for more great people to come into it.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Face: 2
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Unseen Treasures
Friday, July 29, 2011
My Family Tree may be trimmed from time to time but that doesn't mean there aren't new branches to grow
Monday, July 25, 2011
Connecting the dots
Saturday, July 23, 2011
That's neither here nor there
Friday, July 22, 2011
Kill or Be killed
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Taking a stand
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How to sever ties
The Chosen Children of God.
In the end of days God will send his chosen children to Earth. It is in my firm conviction that we are sent here to change things for the better or lead the best into the afterlife. I may seem crazy and if you think so then you're more than welcome to but I know that there are things far greater than our little minds can hold and what's soon to be will shock most of us and we can only hope humanity has some goodness left in it to change things.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Bigger Picture
Monday, June 20, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Distracted Dork
Monday, May 2, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Generation: Possible
Is there a chance in Hell? Well buckle up, bring sun block and some ice water because this may be a long trip. Today, after Political Sociology, Leslie and I had a great philosophical discussion. We started to talk about relationships, life, stress, and politics then we ended talking about our generation. The unnamed, undirected, desensitized, overly sensitive, underestimated generation that is well, us. Kids, people, and “adults” in our age range have been debated over having too low of pants, showing too much skin, getting tattoos and piercings, and generally taking for granted the things we have and what we’re given. Most importantly, we take for granted our education. Not all of us do, some members of this generation are proactive, dedicated, mature, and ready to take on the future.
Dare I say it; I learned something today in Poli. Soc. and that is there is almost no hope for the direction America is heading toward, with only 20-25% of the population voting, lower education standards, higher dropout rates, and a crashing economy the United States is in for a journey. Leslie and I discovered we have a little more faith in this generation than we had anticipated. Our generation doesn’t “care” about politics and as much as I would agree that statement isn’t entirely true. We do care; we just don’t want to tolerate the bipartisan bull shit excuses thrown out by manipulative, lying, heinous politicians that see “us” as clients to gain power from. The government used to work for its people, as representatives it was their PAID DUTY to respect the desires and wishes of the collective few whom speak the loudest in a crowd. Not the majority or even those who need to be heard. The loudest person gets their way. That works for my grandparents arguments, but it doesn’t solve anything, it complicates their marriage and it doesn’t offer the happiness that comes achieving what’s right. People my grandparents, and parent’s age are currently in or coming into politics. Look at what they’ve accomplished: mortgage crisis, financial crisis, failing a global economy, deceit, lies, scandals, hypocrisy, failed campaign promises and straight out disappointment to the people of this nation. No one talks about the true public politics anymore because they don’t exist. The Public Sphere (for those who don’t know it’s the idea that there’s a bubble around society that separates it from the state) doesn’t exist. It’s become tainted and destroyed by political and elitist agendas of greed and power. Now I digress from the main point of our generation, we have become apolitical party non-conformists. A lot of my peers don’t like being involved because they can’t pick a side anymore. Republicans and Democrats no longer have real issues to fight over and we all don’t care about what they have to say. We want things accomplished but not at the means of picking a party that doesn’t care about what you think, in a system that doesn’t think you belong, in a nation that is out to drain you of all you have. Fiscal conservatives are becoming socially liberal, social issues don’t bother our generation and we have a “live and let live” attitude about us that makes us get along. Most people my age don’t worry about conforming to society, listening to what the “man” has to say, or contributing to the manipulation factor at all. Once our generation comes into power we have the potential to bring back the public sphere, bounce this nation back to its feet, and make one of the greatest countries history has ever seen. That’s if there are enough people that care to make a difference in this world.