Monday, May 30, 2011

There are things that are unexplained and will forever be unexplained. I don't like the "Destiny/Free Will" debate. I believe in a mix of both. The path we're set on leads us to major events in our lives. Events that should be unchanged, unavoidable, and impossible to see coming. But I also believe that free will leads us to the grand events. The choices in between make up who we are, the reactions cause us to grow and learn, or regress and sink into a route that is dark, dimly lit and going to end in a rough place.
I've learned that things can't be changed. I've also learned there are things that you can change, sometimes they're the smallest of things that make the largest of differences. A smile, hug, handshake, conversation, look, gesture, or word can change someone's day, week, or even their world. I've seen it happen and I know some great people that if they get set on the right path they will lead the world into great places. I've also seen the exact opposite, those who choose to make the wrong decisions for the right reasons. That doesn't make them right decision or for the betterment of anything. I don't think that things are always acceptable and I'm guilty of some of those things. That won't stop me from learning, growing, and becoming a better person. I see that I have potential, that I have room to improve, but also that I have great things in store for me. I just have to work for them.

There's nothing too great for courage, there's nothing courage can't handle. Stand up, fight for what's right in your heart, not what you've been told is right.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Distracted Dork

So I have really simple misconceptions about how things work. I don't always look at things from the normal perspective and I give people a lot more credit than they deserve most of the time. I'm a very upfront person. Most of the time I need to see things literally and up close. Other times I can comprehend some of the most outrageous thought complexes to ever breach my cognition. Lately I have no desire to search beyond the basics. I used to ask questions, research things on my own and be really well informed on a subject. I had passion, desire and I had the drive to pursue knowledge. I love knowledge, and I used to be a sponge on anything I was really setting my mind to. Somewhere along the way, I fell off the "Knowledge Train". I stopped thinking about what I could know, what I could find out, and what I strove to bring to new light. I forgot what I was doing and who I used to be.
I'm a nerd, plain and simple. I'm a dork, weird, different, unique, strange and eccentric. I also love it. I love being weird, it makes people see the real me without diluting my personality. I feel bad that see "Brody light" or if that ever happens. Then they see the real me and I'm sure their opinion of me changes. haha
I just need to refocus on what I'm working for. A simple balance of personal, social, academic, and professional life. I can't wait to find it, and reconnect with my inner self. Maybe then I won't be so easily distracted.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I don't believe for even a second that test accurately measure every students cognitive intelligence. There's no real system to fix this, and frankly I don't care to think of the alternative. Professors just need to realize that there are chances that they are fucking up a person's ability to learn.

First step: Failing an exam, getting wrong answers, and negative reactions to responses DO NOT HELP STUDENTS!!! Professors I've had recently have made fun of me, not cared to look into my wrong answers, and have degraded my thoughts and ideas without explanation of why they don't agree with me. This is normal to the "modern college experience". Guess what kids, not all professors, when you get to college, give two sparkled shits about you. They get paid, can't really get fired, do what they want, and some even TRY and make you fail. College isn't for everyone, but everyone is under the impression each person should go to some sort of schooling. So why are we going to an institution that doesn't want us here other than to make money and bring in more students so the University can make more money. We're little bags of money, going into a scarce job market, thinking people in Universities care about our insignificant life.

We'll if you don't like it, change it. I've proved people wrong my entire life and I'm not giving up that quality just because a few assholes stand in my way. Screw all the profs that look down on you, chuck the deuces to those who have no faith in you, stand up and change the way you work to accomplish what you need to. I'm not failing out of college, I'm not giving up and I'll be damned if I let all I've worked for go to waste in the last fews days of this G-D DAMNED semester.
Bring it on UW.