Sunday, June 10, 2012


I'm thinking of writing a novel, and I'm not sure what it'll be about nor do I care yet. But people think it's kind of weird. I'm just disappointed in the lack of curiosity and adventure some people have. With the world spiraling into chaos why not take a little risk and enjoy what life has to offer. I'm 21 and I'm not ready for life to take me too seriously just yet. Who cares if people think it's weird, or use it against me. I want to accomplish a lot and I'm not going to wait around for cool things to happen when I can do them myself. My generation doesn't do what society wants us to, or what is expected of us. We do what we want and may seem entitled but we are the generation of diversity. We have so many avenues and aspects that are so unique and different that nothing we do is the same, everything changes so rapidly we adapt, and we can't hold still or pay attention. The things that my generation can or will do are frowned upon and thought to be ridiculous but really we're innovators. Finding new ways to adapt and change perspectives on old ideas and bring about completely new information. We also have the potential to breed chaos and apathy. But as Egypt saw, we can create a revolution in 160 characters or less. The smallest of things can expand into the greatest of dimensions, growing beyond our wildest expectations.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

the Human Experience

Being human is by far one of the most intense, confusing, illogical experiences that this world has to offer. There's so much pain, beauty and happiness. It's hard to know the difference between which is which. It's all a test of perception. Grounded in reality beyond the existence of any logical conclusion. There's no way of telling what is real until you have something to hold onto forever. We crave and demand things but never really worry about the little moments we miss, the seconds that tick by while we join in a rat race that will never have a finish line. More people need to step back and slow down. Take advantage of what they have, stop worrying so much about long term things and appreciate what's right in front of you. I take risks, can seem cocky or arrogant but in all reality: I don't waste time. I utilize each moment, capitalize on as many opportunities as I can and I try to make the world a better place. If everyone started doing that then this world would be such a better place to be in. We're connected by small things, tiny things... minuscule objects that are so overlooked you have no idea how you've met most of the people in your life. Surround yourself with good company, stop having a dim outlook on things and pursue that which scares you. Fear is a motivator but it also allows for innovation and creativity to blossom. I don't want to regret life, or anything in. I appreciate my mistakes, I laugh at myself and I choose to be 100% me. No exceptions. Knowing yourself allows others to appreciate the true values you have to offer. Today, I'm getting my 8th tattoo. I've been told to stop, or I won't like it later in life. But I can't not. The word I'm getting around my ankle is "perseverance". Perseverance- persistent determination. It's standing when standing isn't easy. If you fall down three times, stand up four- Chinese Proverb. I'm asked all the time "How do you do it?" "How do you handle it?" and I get frustrated and sad by those questions. You don't have a choice if you want to live. You deal, you cry, scream, yell, punch, run, or whatever. You just... DO. I don't pretend that I'm perfect, but I'm not weak. I'm a country boy, and I'm as strong as the foundation that my life was built upon. That with broken ribs and a bruised ego I will get up, dust myself off, and get back on to ride. I'm not going to lay there and wait for something to happen, that's when you get stepped on and you don't get back up. I don't pretend that I don't cry. I cry a lot, and I'm not ashamed. How can you be human without experiencing all that humanity has to offer? I love easily but truly. I trust cautiously but fully. I also know everyone else has their stories, a background. A past that may be blessed or broken. I make snap judgments but I refuse to judge a person off of superficial expressions. But that also means I don't give second chances very often and I protect my heart from letting people too close to me. I put myself out there in the hope that one day fortune will favor the brave. Ciao,